November 2018

Call for Members of the Board of Directors

The Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors that makes major decisions and sets policy for Association operations.  Board duties include the selection of service providers, setting standards for architectural design, establishing the budget and maintenance fees, making rules and regulations, approval of contract provisions, enforcing the covenants and restrictions and other tasks as provided in the Association’s governing documents.  The Board generally meets five to six times per year and discharges day to day tasks the Association Administration and Administrative Assistants.  A vacancy presently exists and the existing Board members may appoint a person to fill unexpired terms.  Board members are also elected at each Annual Meeting of Association members which is held in January.

The Bylaws require that Directors hold title to their units as evidenced on the records of Cuyahoga County, must live at the Association, not subject to Association liens and they must be current in all fees and assessments.  Board members also serve as fiduciaries in a position of trust to the Association.  Fiduciary duty requires the Board to act in the best interest of the Association and to place the interests of the Association ahead of personal interests or those of supporters when there are conflicts.  A couple of examples:  A Board member would repair an elevator in another building rather than redecorate the lobby of the building that the Board member lives in even though the redecorating project would increase the value of the Board member’s home.  And a Board member would exercise fiduciary duty in funding reserves even though the money would be spent on siding replacement potentially scheduled 10 years in the future, when the Board member planned to sell their unit in 2 years. 
If you have an attitude that leans towards assisting others and advancing the common good of the organization, please consider serving your Association. Contact the Association Administrator for additional details about this important role in your Association’s governance.


Rules and Regulations

The Board is in the process of revising the General Rules, Procedures and Regulations for the Association.  A draft copy, which is subject to change, is available in the Rules section of the website. Your comments regarding the changes, should be sent to us through the Communications Form located at the bottom of  the home page of the website.